Reporting Minor Problems
Minor road faults?
Local Highway Initiate (LHI) Grant
A public drop-in, was held at the Pavilion on the Barton recreation Ground on Wednesday 19th August 2020 to discuss possible traffic calming schemes in preparation for several LHI bids. The feedback determined the priority. LHI presentation
Our first bid was submitted in September 2020 for 40 mph buffer zones on roads coming into the village. A highways engineer was appointed to review our bid and determined that we could combine several elements of buffering with a modification to the Haslingfield Road junction to make it safer for pedestrians.
Our second bid was submitted September 2021 for permanent 20 mph on the High Street. This was presented to committee February 2022. This bid was successful and initial contact with CC Highways has started.
Work has finished on the 2021/22 bid.
Additional LHI bids and or funding in following years:
Two more MVAS systems (£8k) Private funding?
20 mph New Road/Comberton Road (£25k) LHI or Greenways
Junction New Road/A603 (£150k) part of Greenways
Pavements New Road and Wimpole Road (from Lordsbridge) (equires costing)
Layby exit Cambridge Road (requires costing)
Working Groups are sub-divisions of Barton Parish Council. Their purpose is to discuss, explore ideas and concerns, and then report back to the full Council with recommendations. They have no decision-making powers, but simply present the Council with their findings. The Working Groups meet between full Council meetings and each group has a lead Councillor. There may on occasion be the need to invite experts to further understanding, as well as invite representatives to give more perspective to a particular concern.
The Traffic, Transport and Travel Working Group acts upon issues surrounding roads, traffic speed, pavements and public transport reporting to Barton Parish Council on progress made. Its aim is to engage with the community and identify all relevant road and pavement issues before recommending how they might best be taken forward and resolved with Cambridgeshire County Council and the relevant Highway Authorities. Monitoring traffic is a key element with schemes like Community Speedwatch and Mobile Vehicle Activated Signs (MVAS).
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