60 mph section between Barton Road, Comberton and Comberton Road, Barton (approximately 1/3 mile or 0.540 km) between 40 mph sign at Comberton and 30 mph sign at Barton). Foot and cycle path on one side only.
Data logger data available from 2008 and 2020 at the same spot opposite number 11. These data show majority speeding and large percentage over 35 mph. Even though this is roughly half-a-mile from the village edge.
Two accidents in last 12 months (2020). Speeding car lost control entering the village and spun mounting bank and damaging fence (point h). Speeding taxi hit a parked pickup pushing it onto the pavement. Taxi mounted the grass verge and ended up partially blocking the road (point k).
Sharp bend, junction, pond and bus stop at the end of Comberton Road in the village centre.
Pond to data logger site (11 Comberton Road) ~160 m
Data logger site to L10PCL (17 Comberton Road) ~75 m
a) Bus stops both sides of road in 60 mph (about 200 m or 220 yards from 30 mph).
b) Trumpington Estate footpath access.
c) Arbory Trust burial ground. The caretaker reports problems exiting in the early morning rush hour because of speed and volume of traffic. Funeral vehicles crossing to enter burial ground.
d) Bridle path (locally known as the drift). Pedestrians, horses, farm vehicles access.
Just inside the 30 mph
e) Perennial “The Six Houses” retirement homes for ex-gardeners. No footpath on that side of Comberton Road, so elderly have to cross. Most vehicles are still slowing down.
f) Bus stops both sides.
g) Foxcote DIY yard (before the 30 mph matrix sign). Field and farm house entrance on the bend at the 30 mph reminder matrix.
Along Comberton Road
h) Footpath on one side only, so pedestrians crossing. Elderly crossing including those with electric mobility scooters. Shared driveways.
i) Hines Close off Comberton Road. Limited vision from right.
j) Shared driveway between 9 and 11. Blind to the left.
k) Cycle path ends at the farm cottages. Cyclists crossing the road out-bound to join cycle path. Array of warning signs could be simplified. Hazards include: school, elderly, bus stops, junction, cyclists, ducks. (Ducks cross road between moat at the farm and pond in the village centre.