Starts at the pond in the centre of the village and runs past the school. The speed limit changes from 30 mph to 40 mph heading towards the A603 after the last house. There is a 20 mph limit imposed in front of the school at morning drop-off, midday and afternoon pickup when flashing 20 mph signs are illuminated. Children have to cross between traffic queues in the morning. (Traffic queuing through the village from 7:00 am to well past 9:00 am.)
a) Village centre bus stop (both sides of the road).
b) Elderly and children crossing.
c) Primary school. Part time 20 mph signs.
d) Pavement on one side only.
e) Cars parked on blind bend for school drop-off and pickup. School bus pickup. Interactive 30 mph sign mostly ignored.
f) Bus stop. Kings Grove junction. Pedestrian knocked over recently.
g) Burwash manor car park and pedestrian entrance. Cycle path starts/ends. Cyclists crossing traffic when entering the village.
h) Cycle path and footpath on one side of the road only.
i) Bus stop on both sides of the road. Pedestrians and cyclists crossing.
j) Protected crossing. Right turn from New Road to A603 one side of triangle. Often causes confusion with motorists turning from A603 to New Road going the wrong side of the triangle. Sharp left turn which cannot be negotiated by long vehicles. (Problem for farm traffic.)