Barton Village Hall is situated in the heart of Barton village, next to the Primary School and opposite St Peter’s Church. It is the hub of village life and used by a number of clubs and organisations. There is limited parking next to the hall, but a variety of options for further parking on the recreation ground and around the village.
The Village Hall is available for hire and has a maximum capacity of 80. Its facilities include hall, kitchen (fitted with cooker, fridge and urn) and toilets. The Hall also offers internet access, disabled access and hearing loop.
Village organisations have a special rate of £20 per session. Private bookings from Barton residents pay £42 plus £20 for additional sessions. A deposit is required. Private hire for non-residents and commercial and public bodies’ bookings are charged at the rate of £50 plus £20 for additional sessions. A deposit of £50 is also required.
For further details and booking please contact
Chris Curryer on 07802 497187 or
Regular users are Stepping Stones – the before and after school club on weekdays in term time.
Lunch Club operates on the First Friday of the month.
Scouts Friday evenings in term time.
Keep Fit Tuesday 1 pm in term time
Art Club Mondays am in term time
W.I. second Tuesday in the month 7:30 pm
Bridge Club weekly on a Wednesday 7:30 pm
Parish Council Meetings Tuesday 7:30 pm (see Calendar) members of the Public welcome.