Working Groups are sub-divisions of Barton Parish Council. Their purpose is to discuss, explore ideas and concerns, and then report back to the full Council with recommendations. They have no decision-making powers, but simply present the Council with their findings. The Working Groups meet between full Council meetings and each group has a lead Councillor. There may on occasion be the need to invite experts to further understanding, as well as invite representatives to give more perspective to a particular concern.
The Communications and Community Engagement Group was created to organise effective and ongoing communications via traditional and electronic means to keep residents and the general public informed of council matters and decisions. The group is tasked with ensuring effective relationships and communications are maintained with Barton Recreation Improvement Group (BRIG), Barton Village Hall, users of the recreation ground, the local village school, playgroup and churches.
Appropriate community engagement with village groups will be actively pursued. The group is also tasked with developing, monitoring and reporting upon appropriate community engagement in a variety of forms to gauge opinion upon important decisions to be made and issues arising. This will then be reported back to the full Barton Parish Council.