Website for Barton Parish Council
Barton is a small picturesque village 4 miles south west of Cambridge. The population was 846 at the time of the 2011 census. Villagers are older than average for this region, with nearly 35% aged 60 or over. Of these, 12 were 90 or over in 2011. Barton residents are predominantly Christian. Most are working and over 19% of these travel to work by cycle or on foot.
As well as giving easy access to the dates of council meetings, minutes, agendas, planning applications and so on; there are also links to the District and County Council websites for access to the wealth of information that these provide. News items are also posted on a regular basis from both the Council and wider community which can be seen to the bottom of the home page.
The Contact form is the easiest way to give feedback and ask any questions you may have. The messages go through to our Parish Clerk, Ian Minto, who will then forward it on to the relevant Councillor.