Fast straight road from Haslingfield. Haslingfield end has 40 mph buffer, then traffic calming on entering Haslingfield. The section between Haslingfield and Barton is 60 mph dropping to 30 mph with no buffer and no traffic calming. Common route for cyclists, walkers (Country Restoration Trust) and farm vehicles. Highest recorded speeds (96 mph datalogger and 90 mph MVAS) and highest average speeds. 50 mph to 30 mph on Wimpole Road coming in to Barton about 280 m from junction.
a) Footpath to recreation ground and Leys route to village centre. (Difficult to cross Wimpole Road)
b) Busy junction Wimpole Road (A 603). Hard to cross during rush hour as continuous slow-moving traffic between 7:00 am and 9:00 am.
c) Entrance to farm yard and Country Restoration Trust.
d) Datalogger lamppost and MVAS lamppost (about 200 m from 30 mph and 170 m from junction to Wimpole Road).
e) Families with young children.
f) Entrance to fields.
g) Pavement on house side only.
h) Entrance to property on bend in 60 mph zone.
i) Cyclists and walkers.
j) Humped-back bridge and s-bends before 30 mph (about 350 m).