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Update from GCP and how it affects Barton

Below is the update from yesterday’s GCP meeting in which they decided not to go ahead with STZ (congestion charge). Of relevance for Barton and our near neighbours is that Greenways projects and the C2C bus route are going ahead.

Update on Making Connections

The Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) Executive Board yesterday (Thursday 28 September) decided to stop the further development of the Sustainable Travel Zone (STZ) proposals as part of the Making Connections scheme.

The members discussed the results of last year’s consultation, the evidence gathered through the 24,000 responses, the amended proposals from officers and the feedback from the GCP Joint Assembly.

They collectively decided that while the aims of Making Connections to make travelling in and around Cambridge simpler and faster by saving time and money, would have eased congestion, and offered better, fairer, and greener travel choices, the STZ is not able to progress to Full Business Case due to a lack of political consensus.

Officers will now focus on other areas of the City Access programme looking at issues such as resident parking, road hierarchy and freight consolidation. This is in addition to the other infrastructure projects which include: 150km of Greenways, innovative busway schemes from Waterbeach to Cambridge and Cambourne to Cambridge as well as the significant improvements to Milton Road and Newmarket Road.

The debate can be watched again by visiting the GCP YouTube channel.