The hoops

The Hoops – Protect our Pub

In a time where the traditional British pub is rapidly in decline, we would like to ask for your support.

Barton Parish Council, together with the Hoops’ landlord, Mr Neil Kirkland, is applying to register the Hoops as an “asset of community value”. This registration will allow the community to have the opportunity to bid to buy the Hoops should it come up for sale. It will also represent a strong expression of local opinion for consideration by the planning authority, if any application is made to change its use.

To support our application, we would be grateful if you could provide photos and/ or written anecdotes of why and how the Hoops is important to the community and the social wellbeing of local residents. These can be left with Neil at the Hoops or emailed to:

Every story will make a difference!

A petition of support is also available for signature in the Hoops.