Local Neighbourhood Watch Priorities

Priorities Set For South Cambs

Dear Subscriber,

Thank you to the residents of South Cambridgeshire who joined us for our online meeting last night.

For those who were unable to join us this time around, we heard from the South Cambridgeshire team about what they have been doing to tackle drugs, anti-social behaviour and speeding in the area.

Speeding – Special Inspector Stephen Mudie and his team of volunteers have been focusing efforts across South Cambs while officers are working with local Speedwatch co-ordinators to help build capacity in the community.

Drugs – Following intelligence received from the community we have carried out six warrants and there will be more to come. We’ve carried out numerous stop searches for drugs with positive results.

Anti-Social Behaviour – We’ve seized four e-scooters in Cambourne, carried out patrols of our green spaces across villages, engaged with the community to develop intelligence and offer reassurance. We’ve also visited the parents of young people who have been involved in ASB. There has also been lots of partnership working with South Cambs District Council around households that are perpetrating the ASB.

We talked through the survey results (see below) before we opened up the floor to residents for further discussion where many of the points already captured were spoken about in more detail.

Results of the survey – a snap shot
We had 387 responses to our online survey, including people from each ward across South Cambs, enabling us to get a good understanding of what is happening in each area and what issues concern you the most.

Anti-social driving came out as the most critical issue followed closely by anti-social behaviour and drug dealing.

So what next?
At the end of the meeting we agreed to continue to focus efforts on the below. This will be alongside our daily priorities (which can be viewed here).

  • Drugs
  • Speeding
  • Anti-Social Behaviour

Our very genuine desire is to focus the team on the things that are of the highest risk and concern for you, our residents.

The South Cambs Neighbourhood Team will now provide regular updates to these priorities on the force Facebook and Twitter page over the coming weeks and months. We will then look to begin this process again with another meeting held on 9 August. You can register your attendance here.

Thank you for participating in this process. If you have any concerns in the meantime, visit our website.

Inspector Shane Fasey
South Cambridgeshire