Highways Maintenance Priority Consultation
We have been asked to share and submit feedback on the priority for maintaining our footpaths, cycle paths and other public right of ways. The consultation back ground is in the attached document and contents of the email from CCC Highways below. There is an interactive map where comments can be added. This map has layers for cyclist, walkers and wheelers, and one for public right of ways. A quick review shows that most of the pavements in Barton are classed second lowest and lowest priority (out of 6 classes) whereas the shared pavement (cycle path) between Comberton, Barton and Cambridge is classed as the second highest priority. Please provide comments either directly to CCC Highways or to the Parish Council.
Dear Parish or Town Clerk/Chair
I would like to make you aware of a consultation which has been launched by the Highways & Transport service at Cambridgeshire County Council. This follows proposals for a consultation which were presented to the Council’s Highways & Transport Committee in January 2024. The committee paper can be found here: Document.ashx (cmis.uk.com). The consultation seeks input regarding proposals for an ‘Active Travel Hierarchy’.
The Active Travel Hierarchy looks to introduce a way of prioritising maintenance activities to better reflect the use of the highway network by walkers, cyclists and other non-motorised traffic. This will support the Council’s Active Travel Strategy and its ambition to make walking or cycling the natural choice for shorter journeys, in turn helping to reduce road traffic congestion, improve journey times, and contributing to carbon reduction in the County.
We would like to invite your feedback on the proposals, so that we can better understand which active travel routes and public rights of way are considered important by our communities, and what maintenance activities stakeholders might like us to prioritise.
This is a public consultation that is being promoted on the Council’s social media channels. We would also appreciate you promoting this consultation locally in your parish communities, to encourage wide participation, so we can gauge residents’ views.
The consultation is open for responses until Monday 16th September. I have attached a background document to this email, but you can also access the consultation website here: https://consultcambs.uk.engagementhq.com/active-travel-hierarchy. Please feel free to circulate this link amongst your local residents. You can do this by sharing social media posts that started from 22 July on the County Council’s channels, which will be continuing in the weeks ahead.
Please direct any questions about the consultation to
Daniel Ashman – on behalf of the Highway Asset Management Team