Green Bins Collections Start Again

Dear parish council colleagues


We wanted to write to you to let you know the plans to resume the monthly green bin collection from Wednesday. For full details please read our press release, with FAQs, on our website.


In summary, collections will resume from this Wednesday, 12 January, and we are asking residents to put their green bins out on their scheduled collection day. We’re also reminding people to check the existing (festive) schedule (as printed in South Cambs Magazine and available on the website), because collection days are not yet back into the normal repeat pattern following the bank holidays over Christmas and New Year.


The intention is to empty all green bins in line with the published schedule. However, because there are still several absences and vacancies, any green bins that are missed will not be emptied until the next scheduled collection in February. This is because there are not enough waste crews to return to empty these missed green bins. Any homes that are unfortunately missed will be prioritised for the subsequent collection.


Should you wish to share the news about green bin collections resuming within your communities, please feel free to share our Facebook post or Tweet.


Best wishes
