snag 144ac848

EWR Drop-In Feedback

Parish News

26 residents attended the East West Rail drop-in presentation at the recreation ground pavilion on a very wet Monday afternoon and evening. Thank you for all who braved the rain!

Maps of alignment routes from Cambourne North and Cambourne South were displayed with elevation details added to give an idea of the impact of the proposed routes that would affect our closest neighbours. In addition, envirnomental maps covering these routes were also shown. All other documents and maps provided by EWR were available.

The main questions were over the northern route into Cambridge and why that was not considered in more detail by EWR; freight train movements; diesel; passenger numbers; and frequency of trains.

The Parish Council welcome all comments and feedback so that we can compile our response to the EWR consultation in a way that reflects our residents views. If you have comments then please email the clerk.

In addition, we would encourage everyone to read up on EWR alignment proposals and complete the consultation form.