snag 144ac848

East West Rail Drop-In Pavilion

Parish News

We can confirm that the Pavilion on the recreation ground is booked from 3 pm to 7 pm next Monday (17th May 2021) for a drop-in session so that Barton Parish Council can canvas views on the EWR consultation. Barton Parish Council will respond to EWR proposals and we want to make sure that we present and answers questions where we can on these proposals and gather your views. Whist EWR proposals do not impact Barton directly, they will impact our neighbouring parishes.

There is a feedback form to complete that is available on EWR website for both individuals and other organizations such as the Parish Council. There is a lot of information on their website and we have two sets of hardcopies of the consultation documents that we will have at the Pavilion. We will also display maps provided by EWR and have some printouts of their fact sheets. EWR have held several webinars where they have presented their schemes and followed up with seminars answering questions. Your Parish Councillor and working group members have attended as many seminars as possible. In addition, independent research has been conducted so that we are in a position to challenge EWR and also engage in a meaningful way with various campaign groups and local politicians.

We do have to follow COVID guidelines on Monday by restricting the numbers inside the Pavilion to six members of the public and two councillors at any one time. We will enter from the front and exit from the rear. Please bring along your own pens and face coverings (masks are a BRIG requirement), and be prepared with questions.

We hope that this will be an informative event. We look forward to seeing you and look forward to your feedback and comments.

