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EWR Consultation Now Open

EWR Consultation is now open with documents, including detailed plans, available of the EWR website. As your Local Representation on Barton Parish Council, I am happy to discuss any of the proposals with you. I attended a briefing meeting for the Local Representatives Wednesday evening 13th November 2024 and will be going along to some of the public sessions where EWR staff will be available to answer questions directly. There are several in our area with the nearest one being at Comberton Village Hall on 10th January from 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

Time line

Non-statuary consultation 14 November 2024 to 24 January 2025.

Statuary consultation Q4 2025

Business case submitted to Government 2026/27

Given the above timeline, and assuming that the plans are approved, work is not likely to start in our area until 2029/30 with completion 2031/32.

Andy Martin


More information regarding the consultation, including details of the consultation events and documents can be found on our website at

You can respond to this consultation by:   

If you have any questions relating to the project or this consultation, please get in touch using and our team will be happy to help.