Snag 19881624

Cambourne to Cambridge busway application submitted

Cambourne to Cambridge busway application submitted

We have applied for a Transport and Work Act Order to the Department for Transport (DfT) for a new busway, travel hub and path for walkers and cyclists linking Cambourne to Cambridge.

The scheme would connect existing and new communities to the west of Cambridge with the city via the new Bourn Airfield development, Hardwick, Coton and the West Cambridge site. The new travel hub at Scotland Farm would be easy to access from the A428 and help car drivers switch to a bus before they hit congestion into the city.

Our scheme would give more travel choices, making it quicker, easier and more reliable to get to where you need to go.

The submission follows four rounds of public consultation as well as extensive community and stakeholder engagement on the route since 2015.

You can view the application documents on

Any objections to, or other representations about, the proposals in the application should be sent to the Secretary of State for Transport c/o Transport Infrastructure Planning Unit, Department for Transport, Great Minster House, 33 Horseferry Road, London, SW1P 4DR or via email to .

An objection or other representation MUST

(i)          be received by the Secretary of State on or before 8 January 2025,

(ii)         be made in writing (whether sent by post or e-mail),

(iii)        state the grounds of the objection or other representation,

(iv)        indicate who is making the objection or other representation, and

(v)         give an address to which correspondence in relation to the objection or other representation may be sent (if you are sending your objection or other representation by e-mail, please provide a postal address).

The DfT will review all objections or representations received and likely call for a public inquiry sometime in 2025.

For all enquiries please email or phone: 01223 699906

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