Snag 99df3

18 Bus Service

Barton Parish Council has responses from our MP, Anthony Browne, and our District Councillor, Lisa Redrup, about Stagecoach cutting the 18 bus services. The responses are quite long but the important paragraph is below:

“The CPCA has responded by using emergency powers to seek alternative bus operators to continue as many of these services as possible through to March 2023. This process is anticipated to take around 3 weeks, and so we will know more in early October. This information is from a post by Mayor Dr Nick Johnson available at: Mayor Dr Nik Johnson statement on Stagecoach’s withdrawal of bus services from October 30 – Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority ( Hopefully there will be more information soon, including potential longer-term solutions such as bus franchising which the CPCA has been investigating and would give public authority control over the routes provided.”