WalktheWalk Fund Raising at the Village Hall
On Saturday 11th May Barton Village Hall
Sarah Pitchford (ex-Chair of Barton PC and Tina Lewis) are holding a fund-raising event which supports breast cancer research and education (walkthewalk.org). in June, both Sarah and Tina will be doing a marathon Moonwalk in Iceland. As part of their fundraising activities and accompanied by the sound of bells at St Peter’s Church Barton, refreshments will be served throughout the day, offering teas, coffee and cake. A ploughman’s can also be served but must be booked beforehand with Sarah Pitchford on 07816495590. There will also be the opportunity to purchase raffle tickets, and this will be drawn on the day at 4pm
At 11:00 and again at 13:00 Bellringers from St Martin’s Guild in Birmingham and Cambridge will be ringing two quarter peals. This consists of at least 1250 changes over a 45-minute period. There are six bells at St. Peter’s Church: the tenor weighing 10CWT and the oldest bell dating from 1608. Change ringing has been part of British culture for hundreds of years.
Join us for this wonderful celebration.
If you would like to donate towards the quarter peals, to commemorate an event within your own family, be it a wedding, anniversary, birthday or to commemorate a loved one, please contact Sarah Pitchford 07816 495590. All quarter peels are recorded on the national bell board register so there will be a lasting record for your family.
Thank you for your support
Sarah Pitchford & Tina Lewis

Walk the Walk