Thank you from the Barton residents and Parish Council
Five years ago, during the first frightening and lonely Christmas of the Covid 19 pandemic, four kind and community-spirited volunteers planned a safe and law-abiding Christmas celebration, outside of course, to bring Barton together and to bring light and Christmas magic into those dark days.
Organised entirely independently of any organisation, these people donated a huge tree, lights, decorations, many batteries and the refreshments for the eventual tree-lighting ceremony. They also put the tree up and decorated it- no mean feat given its size – and bought, prepared and served the refreshments on the night. And so a village tradition was born – whilst the parish council now donates the money for the tree, all remaining costs in time and money are met by volunteers and their families. Residents’ voluntary contributions during the tree lighting ceremony have all been donated to the playground equipment fund, Barton Primary School, and East Anglian Children’s Hospices (EACH), raising over £400 in the past two years.
A true mark of success is others following suit, something which this Christmas has spread to Comberton. Whilst their professionally installed and decorated tree might shine brighter (for a rumoured 4 figure sum), we believe ours, donated, decorated and celebrated by the people of our village, means considerably more.
So thank you, on behalf of Barton Parish Council, for the selfless efforts of those few to bring Christmas joy to us all. It is sincerely and deeply appreciated.