2022 06 30 09 42 08

Next Engagement Meeting

We’re preparing to hold our next online engagement meeting next month and we would like to once again invite you to have your say.

In May we met and heard about the work being done to tackle drug dealing, anti-social behaviour and speeding across the district.

At the end of the last meeting and based on the survey results we agreed to continue to focus our efforts on the same priorities and over the past couple of months that is what the team have been doing.

Please take a few moments to fill in our online survey again so we can see what has or hasn’t changed since we last heard from you.

We’ll then meet again online, on 9 August from 7pm, where we will have a presentation on recent policing activity from the team, we’ll listen to concerns, present the result of results of the survey and allow you to once again shape the police activity. Please register to attend this meeting.

After the meeting, your neighbourhood policing team will work on the matters we agree and update you with the progress over the coming weeks and months.

We hope you will get on board with this pilot once again so we can work together to create a Safer Cambridgeshire.

We look forward to hearing from you during the process.

Inspector Shane Fasey
South Cambs