Neighbourhood Watch News

Dear Residents,

As a result of a little more freedom and the lovely weather, opportunistic theft and burglary rear their ugly heads.

In the early hours of Wednesday morning (21st April), an outbuilding of a  property on the High Street was broken into.

Nothing appears to have been taken and anything of value has now been removed by the owner and reported to the police.

It is however a reminder to lock sheds and buildings at night, and  alarm them if possible. Padlocking a number of items together making the theft of them difficult can be off-putting to the person who wants to ‘grab and go’.

Please report any crime to the police or to your Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator (details below).

101 Takes you through to Cambourne police station or use the link to report a non-emergency crime Report a crime online ( 999 is for emergencies and life threatening


A note from our PCSO John Coppard

For those of you that know myself and Pcso John Coppard this email is to say we will very sadly be leaving our jobs as PCSO’s.

Between the two of us we have around 25 years’ experience covering South Cambs, with the majority of it around the Cambourne/Melbourn/Bassingbourn beat areas.

We both love neighbourhood policing and working with key individual networks in the village as well as liaising with schools and councils, problem solving and trying to make your communities as safe as possible, we believe between the 2 of us covering a vast area in South Cambs we have done the job to the best of our abilities with the lack of resources and we would like to hope that we have made all the communities a safer place to live in.

Some highlights over the years for us have been multiple drug seizures in villages, gathering intelligence and acting up on it which resulted in a high volume of cannabis factories detected with one of them even making front page of the national press, working with schools and colleges educating students on different topics, Modern day Slavery incidents, and protecting the most vulnerable in the villages.

As many of you might be aware the Pcso’s jobs were at risk at the back end of last year with the force having to make further budget cuts leaving the force with around 40 pcso’s.  John and I managed to keep our jobs as Pcso’s but not knowing what the future was going to be for this role which we both believe is so valuable to our communities we have decided to join up as serving police officers.

The good news about this though is that once we have completed our training and done 10 weeks on shift we can come back to our neighbourhoods (as promised by the chief constable) and carry on with our role which we know extremely well.

We should both be returning to Cambourne station around December time, so in the long run this will be good news.

Some of you may know Pcso Lindsay Gardiner and she will be returning to work in the near future along with Pcso Davey who will come over from St Neots at the end of May, there are also 2 Police now officers based out of Cambourne.

We do try extremely hard to manage a vast area approx. 110 villages/towns and we will target the areas that need us the most so please be patient when you are waiting for replies, the best way to contact us would be through the below email address:

Thanks for your continued support and feel free to pass this on to anyone else who might like to know and we will see you on the other side.

Stay safe,

John Coppard