Final Reminder EWR Consultation

Parish News

This is the last reminder to submit response to East West Rail consultation by 9th June. You may have seen BBC Look East special report on EWR which seemed to give a wide balanced review of the project. It is probably worth remembering that this is a national project linking Oxford to Cambridge with many business keen to see transport links between the two great University cities dramatically improved. The goal for this “arc” is to support existing jobs, generate many thousands of new jobs and provide links to new housing developments planned along the route. It should also be worth remembering that any new railway will impact local communities no matter which route between Bedford and Cambridge is chosen. Rail is seen as a means of reducing road usage and hence should have a benefit in terms of the environment. It the route does go into Cambridge South (as seems to be the preferred option), then we need to ensure that mitigations measures are in place to reduce the impact and we should be pushing for a net gain of at least 20% in habitat improvements along the route.

Wednesday is the last day for submissions, so please make sure your views are submitted. Barton Parish Council, having listened to residents, will also submitted our comments.