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EWR LGM & Haslingfield Drop-in

Councillor Martin attended the EWR Local Representative Group meeting Tuesday 26 July 2022. These groups have been setup by EWR to meet every quarter to discuss the project and any local concerns.

Major points

  • EWR are still going through 160,000 points raised from the last consulation
  • EWR are still working on the business case to present to Government
  • No decision from Secretary of State likely until 2025 (Development Consent Order)

Many of our communities are in limbo until either the project is formally cancelled or the DCO approved. This results in some uncertainty over house sales either by properties being close to proposed routes of EWR or scare mongering create by campaign groups. If you are facing difficulties with mortgages or house sales, please contact EWR for help and advice.

The postponed Haslingfield drop-in has been rescheduled for Friday September 9th at the village hall in Haslingfield between 2:00 pm and 8:00 pm. This is open to all members of the public and is an opportunity to meet the EWR team and review plans that were presented last summer.