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EWR Consultation

EWR team was at Comberton village hall today.

Reminder for those that missed this event that all materials presented are available on the EWR website.

East West Rail | Consultation 2024

You can provide feedback on sections that you are interested in. Barton Parish Council has responded mainly on construction concerns with A603 a likely route for construction traffic from M11. Details on the construction process are not available at this consultation but will be at the formal statutory consultation due later 2025 or early 2026. Barton Parish Council is a representative on the Local Liaison Group and so will continue to highlight our concerns over noise, pollution, traffic disruption if construction goes ahead. Timelines are such that building will not start until 2030 if EWR is approved by the Government in 2026.

If you would like to discuss EWR with a member of Barton Parish Council, please contact the Clerk.