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Easter Egg Hunt Reminder

Parish Council News

The lovely residents of Barton have come together again, this time in celebration of Spring, with an Easter Egg Hunt! From 2nd to 11th April, there will be 11 giant decorated eggs hidden all around the village with a mystery message to solve: so hop to it and get cracking!

The Easter bunny will leave carrots behind to point the way and, once you have cracked all of the eggs, you can exchange the hidden message at the village shop and collect your Easter egg prize.

Happy  eggs-ploring!

A form for the children to complete is available to print in the attachements below, along with details. Remember to subscribe to the website to stay up to date with village news.

After having seen how pretty the pond looked at Christmas, we would also like to invite residents to hang an Easter decoration on the trees around the village pond.

We wish you an egg-scellent Easter!

Barton Parish Council
