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East West Rail Update

Parish News

Local Representatives Groups have been set up by East West Rail EWR). There are 17 altogether. Barton is in a group with Barrington, Haslingfield, Harlton and Coton. Councillor Andy Martin is representing Barton on this group. Meetings will be held quarterly with two or three topics discussed at each meeting. The first one was on Monday 28th February. This was just to set up the meetings. However, EWR did provide some update. The consultation last year had 9800 responses with 160,000 matters raised. EWR are ploughing through all of this feedback which is taking them longer than expected. They hope to provide a report during the summer. Their next step in the process will be to submit more detailed plans for a statuary public consultation later in the year. In the meantime if any one wants to raise any questions then please contact Andy Martin directly or through the clerk.