A New Road Classification Consultation
GCP is pleased to announce the start of ‘A new road classification for Cambridge’ consultation.
The review of the road classification is about the way that people and vehicles move around the city. It will consider how roads and streets are classified based on the type of vehicles and traffic that they are used by in the future.
Full details can be found on the consultation web page at: www.greatercambridge.org.uk/RoadClassification2022
From here people can:
- download the consultation brochure
- complete the consultation survey
- find details of public meetings
- access frequently asked questions
Public meetings
We are holding public meetings where people can share their views. These will be both online and in-person unless Covid regulations change in the interim.
Please visit the website for further details.
Those unable to access information or complete the survey online are invited to call the Contact Centre on 01223 699906 or email us at .
Please feel free to forward this email to other organisations or individuals that might find it of interest.
The consultation closes at midday on Monday 18 July 2022.