EWR and Cambridge Approaches Update

Council News

On Thursday evening, Cambridge Approaches organized a Zoom call with Anthony Browne, EWR, and representatives of several Parish Councils. Cambridge Approaches presented a detailed overview of two months’ consultations with local Parishes to the group. Councillor Andy Martin made it clear that Barton Parish had not formed a view of Cambridge Approaches route options as they had not been discussed yet with parishoners or at a public Parish Council meeting. As an individual, Andy Martin pointed out that routes through Barton should not be considered by EWR. Unnessary demolition of houses, and dropping a track through Countryside Restoration Trust land would be devastating compared to other routes proposed by Cambridge Approaches. It is clear that several Parishes were in favour of a route outside EWR option E that would impact land through Hardwick, Comberton, Barton, Grantchester, Haslingfield, South Trumpington, Hauxton and Great Shelford; the opposite side of Haslingfield from where Cambridge Approaches are based. Several Parishes chose this option mainly because it was the furthest from them. Cambridge Approaches route 1 and 1a that are within EWR option E were the next most popular routes for the same Parish Councils.

It is disappointing that there is this worry and division when EWR have not even proposed any properly evaluated routes through Option E.

As a Parish Councilor, Andy Martin had a meeting with Anthony Browne this afternoon to explain the position of Barton Parish in that we want a voice when talking to EWR. Anthony is aware of Cambridge Approaches views and has asked EWR to make sure that they listen on an equal basis to all communities. To this end, Anthony has arranged a Zoom call next week with ALL Parishes in his constituancy so that views can be expressed to EWR.

We, as a Parish Council, are aware of the unnnecessary upset that Cambridge Approaches has caused residents in Barton and if you have any concerns or comments please contact the Clerk.