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Speeding Issues

Parish News

Did you know that Cambridgeshire Police have a “Community Concerns”  crime reporting page? On this page is a reporting form with a drop down menu. A recent news item sent by Neighbourhood Alert talked about a new team of police officers set up to crack down on speeding drivers in Cambridgeshire. The news item points to the community concerns reporting page. I have filed a report on speeding for Barton. Action is more likely if concerned residents also submit reports for their roads where speeding is an issue.

Our MVAS unit has been on Comberton Road and Haslingfield Road recently. High top speeds are still an issue but it does seem that speeds have reduced on both roads. Community Speedwatch has been conducted on these roads with data submitted to the area Speedwatch coordinator. Maybe this is starting to have an impact?

As you may have noticed, it does seem that more vehicles are on the roads. Our MVAS data does show an increase in volume but still no where near the levels pre-March 2020.