Snag 3f564095

Making Connections Consultation

Transport Consulation

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to respond to our ‘Making Connections: have your say on greener travel in Greater Cambridge’ consultation.

We want to hear from you and there’s still time to share your views, either via the online survey or at one of the events we have planned. The proposals are of interest to everyone who lives in or travels to Greater Cambridge, whether for work, education or leisure.

The consultation sets out three main areas on which we’d like to hear people’s thoughts:

  • A new bus network: At the heart of the proposals is an expanded and transformed bus network, offering more frequent services, with longer operating hours, more rural connections, and new routes into our growing employment sites.
  • Funding transport improvements: A new public transport network will need funding and lower congestion to run. There are two main ways to free up road space and raise money to invest in better bus services and more cycling and walking infrastructure – a road charging zone, or additional parking charges. We’d like to hear what people think about these.
  • Better cycling and walking routes and high quality public spaces: lower traffic levels would create more opportunities to improve routes for people cycling and walking. Lower traffic levels and better air quality would also create more opportunities to provide high quality public spaces for people to enjoy.


There are a number of events taking place over the consultation period:

Wednesday 1 December, 4pm-5.45pm and 6pm-7.45pm This is a joint in-person event with our Cambridge Eastern Access consultation 

  • The Abbey Stadium, Newmarket Road, Cambridge, CB5 8LN (please use Cutthroat Lane)
  • There’s still time to register to attend this event. Please register at

The event will be in person and there are two separate sessions on the evening. Each session will include a presentation on each of the two consultations, followed by a question-and-answer session.

We are asking people to register online to ensure we are following Covid-19 guidelines. The event space will be sanitised between sessions and all GCP employees will be wearing facemasks whenever they are not presenting.

Monday 13 December, 6.30pm, online public consultation event via Zoom

Tuesday 14 December, 6-8.30pm, North GCP Community Forum online via Zoom

The consultation closes at midday on Monday 20 December 2021.