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Highways Datalogger Results

Parish News

Highways Datalogger Results

Cambridgeshire County Council installed vehicle dataloggers on Comberton Road, Haslingfield Road and New Road over the period of 29th June to 6th July 2021, and also on the A603 at Lordsbridge hamlet from 13th to 20th July 2021.

Highways use v85 numbers to judge the “normal” speed of a road. Remove the top 15% of speeds to give the 85th percentile:

Comberton Road: 29mph

New Road (near the school): 33 mph

Haslingfield Road: 42 mph

A603 in the 50 mph limit: 52 mph


The top speeds recorded:

Comberton Road: 51 mph

New Road (near the school): 55 mph

Haslingfield Road: 80 mph

A603 in the 50 mph limit: 101 mph


Percentage of vehicles breaking the speed limit:

Comberton Road: 9%

New Road (near the school): 29%

Haslingfield Road: 80%

A603 in the 50 mph limit: 26%


Speedwatch continues with sessions roughly once every two weeks. The above data has been passed on to the area Speedwatch coordinator.


Our successful Local Highways Initiative bid resulted in a grant of £15k. We need to raise addition money to support the works associated with the grant. (We also have the opportunity to bid for a grant of next year (2022/23) which needs to be submitted in September.) The 2021/22 money will be spent on 40 mph buffer zones on Comberton and Haslingfield Road and additional signage on the A603. There will also be a modification to the pavement at the junction of the A603 and Halingfield Road to make crossing easier. We will continue to monitor speed on our roads to see if additional calming measures are needed after the 2021/22 LHI work is completed.