Congestion Charge Survey
From Anthony Brown MP
Last chance to let me know what you think about GCP proposals for congestion charging!
Next week, my survey on congestion charging closes. If you haven’t already done so, click below to let me know what you think about proposals to introduce a congestion charge and what you might want to see instead.
Over 1300 residents have already taken the time, and thank you to everyone who has given their opinion. Please, if you have two minutes, click the button below to submit your response.
One of the key questions asked by the Greater Cambridge Partnership’s ‘Making Connections’ consultation is around congestion charging for vehicles entering Cambridge City. In their plans, a city-centre congestion charge could cost up to £15 per day, or a wider zone could cost £5, roughly the same cost as a day rider bus ticket.
District and County Councillors in South Cambs have raised serious concerns about congestion charging in the past, and I agree with their remarks around cost implications, business impact and inequality. Chief amongst those are worries that the charge is regressive, one that would unduly impact those less well off. In my view, any charge would need to be introduced in tandem with much improved, far cheaper public transport.
However, I am very aware that many residents of South Cambridgeshire rely on transport links into Cambridge. It is therefore vital that I fully understand your views on this. If you have already submitted a response, thank you and please do ignore this email!
Find out more from the GCP’s consultation pages here.
Coverage of potential congestion charges in local news.
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