Annual Parish Meeting
The annual parish meeting was held last night (Thursday) at the village hall. About 20 residents attended. Our County Councillor, Michael Atkins, give an update on CC matters. Of concern is the increase in COVID cases in Cambridgeshire. We would encourage residents to continue wearing face masks when in public indoor spaces and maintain good hygiene. Government vaccination program (both flu and COVID) continues at pace and a good uptake should help relieve pressure on hospitals. Other matters raised by Michael included work on the South Cambridgeshire local plan and continued efforts for good quality public transport between Cambourne and Cambridge. He will support the upgrade of the Girton interchange (A428 to M11) to relieve traffic flow across from the A428 through the villages to Cambridge and Cambridge South.
Sarah Pitchford read the Chairman report on Parish Council activities (attached). Ian Minto presented the Clerk’s report (financial documents are posted on the web). Andy Martin presented the Local Highway Initiative plans (a copy of the presentation will be on the website). John Boocock talked about Barton Village Trust charity and the work they have done. He also asked what the plans are for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
If you have any questions for the Parish Council please send them to the clerk, Ian Minto.