Snag 99df3

18 Bus Route Ends

You have probably heard about Stagecoach cancelling various bus routes in Cambridgeshire. This includes our 18 bus service. This is going to impact many our village and surrounding communities. A resident in Bourne has set up a petition to sign. We would also encourage lobbying our local politicians including MP, County Councillor, District Councillor and the Mayor’s office as well as complaining directly to Stagecoach. Barton Parish Council is doing the same.

We don’t believe Stagecoach has made any effort in promoting rural bus routes nor have they engaged with local communities to see how their services could be tailored for the benefit of all.

We are not sure how cancelling bus routes fits in with the general plan to increase bus services and the proposal to introduce congestion charges in Cambridge.

We are not sure how cancelling the 18 bus will impact traffic flows through Barton given the increase in the number of houses in the area and the controversy over Cambourne to Cambridge bus routes.

If there are any other concerns you have on transport in general, please contact the Parish Council.