Entries by Danielle Stretch

A message from Bek – our former village postman

To the Barton Community: I just wanted to take the opportunity to let everyone know that, with great regret, but with an excited heart I have had to hand in my notice to Royal Mail and start a new chapter.  I’m sorry I haven’t been back to see you all since July but due to […]

Tea, biscuits and a warm welcome

With the first real cold snap of Winter upon us, we are delighted to pass on a very generous invitation from both Barton Baptist Church and the Hoops to invite residents in for a cup of tea and a biscuit on the house between 2.30 and 4p.m. on Tuesday afternoons, beginning with the Baptist Church […]

Homes for Ukraine

Do you have a spare room that you could offer to a Ukrainian guest?  If so, then please text the 88802 with the word “room” as the District Council would like to hear from you. This, of course, does not commit you in any way but will enable you to find out more about the […]

A further update on the village pond

The Parish Council has had the preliminary results from tests conducted on silt samples taken from the pond.  These show that the silt in the base of the pond contains a number of heavy metals and hydrocarbons from the road runoff that feeds into the pond.  We are in the process of having the contamination […]

Support for eligible pensioners who are struggling with food and fuel bills

Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and Cambridgeshire County Council are working together to provide support for eligible pensioners who are struggling with food and fuel bills. We can provide financial support within a few days and help you find longer-term support if needed. This isn’t charity – we are using the Government-funded Household Support Fund […]